We hosted my youngest sister Ruth Anna last week during her spring break. I realized that Ruth Anna and I have never spent significant time together, just the two of us. When I left for college, she was entering 8th grade. When I left home to teach in Utah, she was beginning her senior year of high school. Last week I was glad to spend some quality time with her, finding out about her new life as a History/Spanish teacher in Virginia Beach.
Silas was all decked out for church on Sunday, thanks to Aunt Ruth Anna.Sunday afternoon we took a random drive down to Gila Bend, about an hour away. One of my favorite things to do is to take a drive just to see where the road goes. It proved to be interesting! We drove by some beautiful mountains, and we passed a landfill and a prison. Finally, we came to Gila Bend. It turned out to be a lot like the town of Radiator Springs in the movie Cars.
On our way home, Stephen spotted the most amazing moon rise! The moon was purple and looked HUGE as it came over the mountains. We pulled off to the side of the road and watched the moon rising before our eyes. Unfortunately all my pictures of it are a bit blurry.
On Monday, we opted for some shopping, and I wanted to try making cinnamon rolls. I followed The Pioneer Woman’s Cinnamon Roll recipe, and the maple icing is DE-licious! The recipe made 70 rolls, so we had plenty to share with youth group that night.
Tuesday was spent at the park. I had been wanting to do a picnic for a while. Ruth Anna packed us a lunch, and we gave Silas his first picnic.
Silas had a lot of firsts last week. He sat in the grass for the first time. I wasn’t sure how he’d like the grass, but it didn’t bother him at all. He was just curious.
He touched a tree for the first time (thankfully the palm trees we picnicked near were smooth).
He rolled from his back to his tummy for the first time–another milestone for the little humanoid. He’s getting so strong! Tuesday evening, we took off for some nighttime mini golf. This picture is just after Stephen and Ruth Anna both made a hole in one. Who knew we had so much golfing talent in one family?
Culver’s custard seemed like the ideal ending to our day. Truth be told, Culver’s is just too enticing for us to pass up!
Wednesday, I took Ruth Anna on much the same tour that I had taken with Charis and Dad. We hit the state capitol, Goldfield ghost town, and again visited the Wurlitzer organ for some great entertainment while munching pizza.
Here’s Ruth Anna posing with Arizona’s state fossil (which is petrified wood, as all of you should know from reading this educational blog).
We just so happened to visit the capitol the day some guy decided to hold a one-man protest. He walked around and around the capitol courtyard with a bullhorn blaring music. He would intermittently make announcements–presumably to the state legislature–about his cause. We really couldn’t understand much of what he was saying. If he was going for the disruptive award, I’d say he won a blue ribbon! Not too sure how that helped his cause though.
Little Sis was such a help around the house and with Silas that I asked her when she was moving out here to be my nanny. Let’s see, with Ruth Anna as my nanny, and Tim as my butler, I could really kick back and spend my entire life blogging! Wouldn’t have much of a life to blog about that way. Moving on…
Thursday, we shopped some more–this time at the Arrowhead Mall for a change! I haven’t been to a mall since…I think it was last September. The racks were bursting with Easter dresses, and we had a blast trying on clothes and finding some things we liked. Of course when Silas needed a bottle, Ruth Anna and I needed some Paradise Bakery cookies. That’s just the way it works.
Stephen had the morning free on Friday, so we went bowling. I won’t even tell you our scores. It’s too embarrassing!
Our happy little visit was stuffed with movies, girl talk, and Silas playtime. Can’t wait to see family again this summer!
I’m so glad you two had some time together. Sounded like fun.
Glad you mentioned the hole in one. No need to bring up the others. =) I had a great time with you all. Thanks again!