brynn, cooper, family, friends, holidays, imagination, silas, travel, west virginia

Playtime at Grandma and Grandpa’s

My dad fully embraced his role as Grandpa during our Christmas visit to West Virginia. From the minute we arrived, Dad had an entire playtime schedule planned for the kids. He pulled out classic wooden toys from his childhood and was giddy with excitement as he shared them with Silas, Cooper, and Brynn. It was… Read More Playtime at Grandma and Grandpa’s

family, holidays, west virginia


It snowed just a bit the morning after Christmas. Though it wasn’t much, the snow did cover the grass. Silas saw it and said, “It’s a lot, Mommy!” We bundled up the boys and took them outside to experience the strange, icy, white stuff all over the ground. The snow was very wet, so it… Read More Frosty